We're fakes. And we all know it.

If there is one thing worse than being an ugly duckling in a house of swans, it's having the swans pretend there's no difference.
Why do we all tell ugly people that it's okey to look ugly? Why do we tell them that "nono, you're looking fine"?
Why the hell are we doing that? We know that this wicked society hates them so why help the bullies?
Some people are ugly. It's just how it is. But they are ugly because we don't have the strength to help them 'cause we just ignore them when they ask for our opinion.
Some people, like me, admit how it all works. Ugly people are people we don't want around us, no matter about your "I'm open-minded and I have no prejudices". Fuck you, the psych works in a way that we can't change even if we want to.
And some people, maybe you my dear, hates us for admiting it all.
Encurage them, help them, talk them though their problems instead of negligating them. You might think that it doesn't matter how your friend look but deep inside you know that everyone else around you look down on her/him, so why on earth are you exposing her/him for that? Do you love and care about her/him so little that you think that it's okay for people to look down on her/him? Do you love her/him so little that you don't have the energy to help her/him?
You can't be correct all the time, even i f you want to 'cause we all know that even how perfect you and you stands look on the outside, you are a bloody fake on the inside.
Every single person is beautiful, but not all of us know how to show it.